Our Reach

  • States: 4
  • Districts: 25
  • Schools: 203
  • Students: 108000+
  • Households: 60700+

Resource Development

Nirman Foundation has created a pool of knowledge – disseminating materials for reaching out to the people and driving change through communication, in audio – visual platform, in collaboration with our design partner SIPL. These materials are impactful in enabling a scope for behaviour change and improvement in the lives of the people that we reached out to for projects supported by UNICEF, Rotary Club, WBPDCL, Coal India Ltd. , Balmer Lawrie , PHED, Govt. of West Bengal and more. The content development process involves a lot of research and these are constantly updated as per community feedback.


Short films with social messages made by Nirman Foundation have been created with an effort to generate empathy in audiences, illuminating new perspectives and activating powerful emotions with an objective to tell a tale of reality and to create a platform for exchange of thoughts and dialogue.

Information Education Communication (IEC)

Nirman Foundation has created a collage of learning materials including flipcharts, posters, comic books, banners, leaflets and more. These are made in accordance to our outreach projects and need assessment of the target population whom we reach out to. These materials have a great impact in conveying the key messages and driving shifts in attitude and behaviour.

Comic Books

Comic books are one of the most impactful tangible representations of Nirman Foundation and we have created these on major issues such as water and sanitation, open defecation, WASH, Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management, water conservation, early marriage and COVID awareness. These have been printed in English, Bengali, Hindi and Marathi in order to reach to a larger audience, relevant to their culture and language.

If you are interested in collaborating with us for the Resource Materials, please contact us.
